
Archive for August, 2018


I love painting ordinary people and situations. This Painting was inspired by an image I photographed 45 years ago down a lonely alley in Lisbon Portugal. It is the companion painting to another Pastel “Boy At Play” I always start with the face and work out the values against the brighter tonal values in the background. Once that’s established the rest of the pastel can be blocked in. The final detail and facial high lights are the finishing touches.

As a medium I find Pastel to very creative since the colors are amazing and can be applied quickly and either defined softly or as sharp as you like. Blending with a sponge, brush, your finger or any material that will produce the desired effect.

I use sand paper made especially for Pastel which grips the pigment and minimizes any pastel to fall off the painting. I’ve been using colored paper as it gives me an under painting to start with. Experiment and have fun. Once you get the hang of working with Pastels it’s fast, no cleaning brushes and it doesn’t dry out. I don;t spray the work. It is delicate so just be careful !


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Fish Monger AwardIMG_330820180728_105817 (1)20180726_084332 (1)

Categories: Uncategorized