
Archive for April, 2019

Magical Sunset in Sussex County NJ

20181018_194759I have been in total awe of the landscape and open countryside of Sussex County NJ. Growing up in Brooklyn NY and working in NYC for most of my adult life I was surrounded by Buildings, heavy traffic and a multitude of colorful people, not to mention the Subway and NYC Blackouts. When we moved to NJ years ago when my kids were young we were introduced to open space and clean air. In the last 2-3 years we moved to Sussex County and first saw great open countryside vistas and incredible sunsets, a feast for the eyes quickly disappearing in a matter a minutes. This Pastel captures a sunset by a lake with magical clouds and wonderful reflections. A masterpiece of nature that I was honored to be a part of.

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“Tools of the Trade”

This Pastel has been entered in the Pastel Society of New Jersey Signature Biennial Juried show at the Mayo Performing Arts Center in Morristown NJ Gallery on the second floor. Reception 4/28/19 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. It is a Still Life and study of a Painter’s Brushes and painting containers. The intriguing feature was the paint brush pot and the wonderful drippings and texture on that can and the wonderful colors of paint on the foreground. It was wonderful to bring to life

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The Magic of Times Square NYC

IMG_5894 - CopyEver since I was growing up in Brooklyn NY Times Square was a magical place. It has undergone a rebirth and people are drawn to it’s drama, light and visual impact now so more than ever.  It is a great place to capture at night with it’s glamour and glitz especially in a Pastel painting

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