Brittany Spaniel Pastel

My Dog Painting

I decided to paint a majestic hunting dog since I have a Black English Setter, Victoria and a Pitt mix, Roxanne. I first chose a brown sanded pastel paper so that the brown paper would act as a under painting and pull everything together.

Starting with the Head of the dog and emphasizing the details of the eyes I laid in the basic tones of the body and the wash of the background done with a flat smooth sponge which spreads the pigment in the background allowing the brown paper to show through. In this segment of the painting I was much more spontaneous and fresh in my approach. I then added several tones of blue for the sky giving the dog a sense of drama with darkened areas suggesting trees and bushes.

Lastly I added the brown patches and tonalities  in the body of the dog to give it shape and form. To really finish the painting I put in the detail of the fur joining it to the background and the blades of grass around the feet to pull everything together.

Man’s best friend which deserves a majestic painting !


Brittany Spaniel pastel

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Kelli and Mom

January 17, 2018 Leave a comment

20180104_090923Kelli and Mom came about when Kelli asked me to do a painting of her and her Mom for her Mom’s birthday.  She gave me several different photos of them together, but none of them worked well together.

So, I chose to take 2 different poses from separate photographs and come them into one image.  Here are the results and the progression of the piece.


Categories: art piece

My first paining in the Ogdensburg Art Studio

September 28, 2016 Leave a comment
Barbar's grandniece for editBARBARA’S GRANDNIECE

The studio’s progress was a bit delayed, and we are now looking at opening in the Spring of 2018.

Barbara’s grandniece is the first paining I did in the new studio, and it was a “thank you” to Barbara and Tom for having put us up for six week during the transition of our move.
Barbara asked me to do the paining while we were staying with them, and I was able to present to them on Thanksgiving day….most appropriate.

I was thrilled to capture the angelic look on the baby’s face.  This image was a photograph of the baby taken in her car seat while sleeping.  I eliminated the black harness straps and the details of the car seat and just focused on the baby’s face and the tenderness of her repose.


Watch out for my new Art Studio

I will be launching a new Art Studio in my home in Ogdensburg, NJ in late November 2016 and will be teaching art to all that are interested in developing their creativity and expression in painting mediums. My approach will be simple and very informative exploring subject matter, composition, design and various mediums.
The medium of my choice is Pastels. A wonderful vibrant pigment that can be applied in various manners but still achieves whatever effect you demand of it. We will explore the use and application, different surfaces and the freedom of expression it can give an Artist.
Many people have confused pastels with chalk and are not familiar with the great artist of the past that have used pastels to express themselves, certainly the most famous Degas. When viewing my paintings many people were astonished at the use of Pastels to portray an oil like quality which I will share with my guests at the new. Studio.
I am a Pratt Institute graduate with a BFA degree, 35 years a professional photographer, have painted in Oil, Acrylic, Water Color and now focusing on Pastels since the medium is so wonderful to express my images. I am am a member of the Pastel Society of NJ and recently a member of the PSA.
The last painting which is featured in this blog of a little boy playing with sticks and paper in a back street of Lisbon, Portugal was taken 45 years ago. How things have changed! But the essence of humanity will never change and can be preserved in a painting. This what I’m all about  and I will teach it to anyone who is interested in expressing themselves.
For those of you who love landscapes the new studio is located nearby with incredible, breathtaking areas that can be interpreted into anyone’s point of view.
Since I love to capture images that people see every day and sometimes take for granted I paint using photos for reference which has proven to be wonderful way to go back and study and interpret my work, which I will gladly share with you.
Look for news about the launch of the studio, hourly fees and group classes. I will be posting applications for up and coming sessions and what will be needed to start a wonderful and fun adventure that will capture your hearts and will be there to go back to whenever you need!
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Semper Fi Giclee Prints Now Available

November 18, 2015 Leave a comment
In honor of our veterans, award winning pastel artist, Jeff Wolfson, is offering a limited edition Giclee  print,13.5 x 21 inches acutal size ,100 prints signed and numbered on the print for $185 including shipping in the U.S. 10% of profits will be donated to USO All rights reserved and copyrighted.
Call Jeff at 973 960-9729 for information on how to place order   or email me


sempre fi - Copy - Copy - Copy (2)

scan_843, Fri Nov 13, 2015, 2:55:13 PM, 8C, 7266×9338, (390+543), 100%, Repro 2.2 v2, 1/40 s, R57.1, G21.3, B35.3


October 16, 2015 Leave a comment

Sempri fi Painting - Copy

Semper Fi is now finished.  This picture was taken during the protest of the proposed mosque at the foot of the World Trade Center in NYC.

We saw many veterans there, but this man really caught my eye… I call this “Semper Fi.”
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“Road to Cartaret” received a Merit award and came in 2nd

Jeff's Award Studio 7 cover

The Pastel Society of NJ’s artists’ reception at Studio 7 in Bernardsville, NJ on June 5th was a big success featuring the members’ pastel paintings.  Awards were announced at the reception.  My painting, “Road to Cartaret” received a Merit award and came in 2nd.  The Best in Show award went to Beth Varkala for “Petit Fille” shown on announcement.  The show runs through June 30th.

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Jeff Paints Pet Portraits

2015-06-08 08.54.442015-06-08 08.49.21

This is a painting of Jeff daughter Nicole’s cat that is an outdoor cat that she befriended during the harsh winter and built a home for it outside and now the cat comes into her house and trusts her.

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Road to Cartaret

I realized that in order to portray the proper impact of a painting the artist must step back and visualize the finished product in a frame.  In the case of “Road to Cartaret,” after the piece was framed, I saw imperfections and identified adjustments that had to be corrected.  So, I took it back to the framer, Manny at Picture Framing Warehouse in Fairfield, and he opened up the piece, I made the corrections there and they reframed the piece.  It’s very difficult to be objective when the piece  is on the easel and you’ve looked at it for so long.  It’s better to step away for awhile put a temporary frame around it which blocks out the background and light it as it would be on a wall to view it as it will be once framed so you can make corrections before framing.


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Pastel Society of NJ Membership Show June 5th 6 – 9 p.m


We invite you for The Pastel Society of NJ Membership Show hosted at Studio 7 Fine Art Gallery, Bernardsville, NJ.  Reception June 5th from 6 – 9 p.m.

“Road to Cartaret” will be shown for the first time.  Offered at $2,500.

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The Abundant Artist

Abundant Artist

Art represents a very a unique way of seeing something special in the world we live in and the everyday occurrences that we take for granted. The common place, ordinary even mundane subject matter has always intrigued me and comes alive in my art.  It’s easy to paint a beautiful object but way more exciting to depict and ordinary object in a fresh creative way.  Seeing through the obvious and into the essence of the subject matter drives me to create through art.

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